NCPS Technology RFPs
RFP Questions Form
NCPS 2023 Request for Bid Managed WAN - Northside Elementary and Central Office Q&A
Q.) In both Appendix A: List of Participating Entities and Appendix B: Network Diagram of the RFP, the address listed for Nebraska City Public Schools Central Office (215 N 12th Street, Nebraska City, NE 68310) does not appear to match the District office address at 1700 14th Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410. Can you please confirm the address for the Central Office location?
A.) 1700 14th Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410 is the correct and current address of the Central Office. The Network Diagram had the wrong address.
Q.) Can you please confirm the requested timeframe for completion of Appendix D: Document of Circuit Acceptance in the RFP? Is this required as part of the bid proposal or is the expectation that this would be completed once circuits are delivered?
A.) The purpose of Appendix D is to have a sign-off that the circuit is complete and acceptable by the district. This would be completed only when the circuit is delivered and accepted.