Board Room

Nebraska City Public Schools Parents,

On behalf of the Nebraska City Public Schools, I am pleased to invite you to contribute your thoughts and input as the district strategically plans for the next 3-5 years. The goal of the strategic plan process is to develop a guiding document that will assist the district in providing and identifying educational programs and services for students into the future.

Any feedback you provide in the survey below is confidential and will be collected, analyzed, and reported by our strategic planning partner, Nebraska Association of School Boards. Please provide your input by Friday, December 20, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

Complete the survey here:

Nebraska City Public Schools values your input as we plan for future growth and success of our students, and we thank you in advance for your participation.

Best regards,

Rex Pfeil
Superintendent of Schools

Lisa Chaney
Strategic Plan Facilitator and Vice-President - NCPS Board of Education